Normally you leave your credit card details when making your reservation. Your card information is of course stored encrypted in our system so we cannot see all details.
We will charge your card short before arrival and send you a receipt of payment. The receipt will be based on the information you have provided in your reservation so if you have any special requirements about for instance company name on the receipt, please make sure to enter this during your reservation or inform us in advance as this is complicated to change one the receipt has been sent. In case we, for some reason, have not received full and valid card information during the reservation no card data at all will be stored in our system. You can then log in and add card
details using the link below. You log in by using your 5-digit reservation number and the last name exactly as it appears in your booking confirmation from us:
If you prefer to pay in a different way we offer the following alternatives:
Swish: 123 485 10 85
Bankgiro: 825-2264
Bank transfer:
IBAN: SE23 8000 0831 3952 4118 6344
Sparbanken Skåne / Ideon Gateway
Scheelevägen 27
223 63 Lund
Account holder: Hotell Oskar i Lund AB
Always state your reservation number when making your payment. Please note that we do not accept cash payments!